2025 Wolves Scholarship Golf Classic
Presented by Scott Evans Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Plymouth, and Nissan

Date: May 9
Location: Oak Mountain Championship Golf Club
Registration: 8:00 AM
Introductions and Rules: 8:45 AM
Shotgun Start: 9:00 AM
** If you have any items you would like to donate, please contact Matt Cooke At mcooke@westga.edu **
Registration: Premium Pack $1,750 - Includes: Foursome, Alpha Wolf “Team” Package + Premium Participant Gift. Annual Collector’s Tournament Glassware. Meals, 4 T-shirts, Hole Sponsor Signage, golf cart digital message recognition, sponsor level signage & online recognition, recognition during welcome message. * Includes 2 Mulligans and 2 Raffle tickets per individual
Registration: Pack $1,250 - Includes: Foursome, Alpha Wolf “Team” Package Meals, 4 T-shirts, Hole Sponsor Signage, golf cart digital message recognition, sponsor level signage & online recognition. Annual Collector’s Tournament Glassware. * Includes 2 Mulligans and 2 Raffle tickets per individual
Registration: Team $650 - Includes: Golf, Meals, t-shirt and participant gift for 4 people Does not include Mulligans or Raffle Tickets Option to purchase Annual Collector’s Tournament Glassware
Registration: Individual $175 - Includes: Golf, Meals, t-shirt and participant gift for single player. Option to purchase Annual Collector’s Tournament Glassware
Sponsorship: Swag Bag $1,500 - Must provide 200 company branded bags to be used for participant “swag” bags Please Include snack items in the bag Can include any other company branded or promotional items such as: golf towel, golf balls, decals etc. Must have completed by May 8th for pick up. May bring company banner or sign to set up the distribution table Networking opportunity to speak to participants during registration Company Logo included on event T-shirt
Sponsorship: Award Reception $1,000 - Networking opportunity to speak to participants at the ceremony Company logo featured at Award Ceremony Company name / logo featured on awards Recognition on Social Media and website prior to, during and after event Opportunity to speak at award ceremony Company Logo included on event T-shirt
Sponsorship: Tent $500 - Networking opportunity to speak to golfers as they tee off at your hole Pass out any promotional items & “swag” in addition to food & drink Social media exposure prior to, during, and after the tournament Must Provide their own Tent / Tables / Supplies Must Provide Food / Beverage for around 200 individuals Company Logo Included on event T-shirt
Sponsorship: Longest Drive $300 - Includes: Company logo on the hole Company logo on the awards Recognition on social media
Sponsorship: Closest to the Pin $300 - Includes: Company logo on the hole Company logo on the awards Recognition on social media
Sponsorship: Straightest Drive $300 - Includes: Company logo on the hole Company logo on the awards Recognition on social media
Sponsorship: Hole $100 - Includes: Signage recognition on a tee box
Add-On: Team Alpha Wolf Package $100 - Includes: 8 Mulligans and 8 Raffle Tickets
Add-On: Individual Alpha Package $25 - Includes: 2 Mulligans and 2 Raffle Tickets
Add-On: Raffle Ticket (1) $10
Add-On: Raffle Tickets (3) $25
Post-Tournament Cookout Only $30 - UWG Athletics will host a post-tournament cookout under the big tent next to the clubhouse at Oak Mountain Championship Golf Course. If you are unable to play, we invite you to join us for the cookout to mingle with participants, coaches, student-athletes, and staff.